The Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology


Academic Awards

ASDR/JSID Exchange Program

The exchange program is organized by the Australasian Society for Dermatology Research (ASDR) and the JSID. Awardee is given JPY50,000 for travel expenses.

ASDR 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting Sydney
DATES: July 18-20, 2024
Venue: Westmead Innovation Centre, The University of Sydney, Westmead/ Western Sydney (Bludarri) Precinct, Australia(In-person/Hybrid Event)
Abstract Deadline: May 23, 2024

Eligibility (Qualifications)

  1. JSID Member
  2. JSID Member Submit an abstract and attend the ASDR 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting Sydney

Number of awardees



  1. Be sure to submit an abstract for the ASDR 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting Sydney.
    (abstract deadline: May 23, 2024)
  2. Apply by e-mail to the JSID (
    (application deadline: May 23, 2024)
  3. Applications should include:
    a. A brief CV of the applicant (one page)
    b. A copy of the abstract submitted for the ASDR 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting Sydney
    c. A letter of recommendation from the chair of the applicant's department

Selection method

The four-person judging panel will comprise a president, a secretary-general, the head of the Committee on Scientific Activities, and the head of the Committee on Nominations.

Notification of results

The JSID will aim to announce the name of the successful applicant in early June 2024.

Recipient of 2024 ASDR/JSID Exchange Program

  • Yosuke Ishitsuka(Osaka University)
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