HOME > Academic Awards - JSID/Montagna Symposium Travel Awards
JSID/Montagna Symposium Travel Awards
The JSID and the Montagna Symposium greatly hope that these awards will help developing the careers of young researchers by providing the opportunity to attend an international investigative dermatology meeting with a mission to encourage young investigators in pursuit of careers in academic and investigational dermatology to build interactive, collaborative relationships with established physicians and scientists worldwide.
Who is Eligible?
A member of the JSID
Under age 40
Submission of an abstract for The 71st Annual Montagna Symposium on the Biology of Skin “Skin of Color Dermatology: The Intersection of Science and Society”
There will be an opportunity to present and discuss your data at a poster session and also compete for a short oral presentation.
A certificate will be given at the Montagna Symposium and the awardee will be able to include the award in his or her curriculum vitae.
The JSID will award up to 100,000 yen (or up to 200,000yen,* only when the award is given to one JSID member alone) to cover travel and accommodation expenses
NB Any additional costs will need to be borne by the applicant. The awardees shall submit an accounting report and the receipts of travel and accommodation expenses to JSID.